Wilma Strategy Scan
Supports your strategy implementation
Wilma Strategy Scan provides you with an objective assessment of the strengths and soft points of your strategy implementation.
The company’s management system as a whole is under scrutiny. The widest Strategy Scan scope deals with the competences and strengths of key personnel, as well as the management and communication processes relevant to the strategy implementation. We identify the human capital required to pull through the strategy, and the capacity of the organisation to scale with the growth.
Wilma Strategy Scan gives you well argumented propositions to complement the strategy implementation measures, to further reinforce the strengths, and to build an organisation that promotes your success.
Wilma Recruitment
By means of recruitment, we enhance the ability of organisations to strategic renewal.
We enter the process early, when the profile of the candidate is still evolving, and take the responsibility of refining the profile.
In executive search, we use company and industry research to identify and call to discussions the exact people that best support the renewal and implementation of your strategy. Complementing search channels are agreed with you on a case to case basis.
We are often praised for our ability to distinguish the situation your business is at, and for our active attitude in building the role description for the position in question. We do manage to involve the most interesting candidates and persevere in finalising the search.
Hence the long experience, we are skilled in discerning the relevant capabilities and insight that could be transferred from other fields of industries and corporate cultures. We are confident enough to challenge you in this, when needed. We’ll find the person that has what it takes to reach your targets.
Wilma Assessment
Personal assessment
As a part of a Wilma Recruitment process, a Wilma Strategy Scan project, or within the internal evolution of roles in our client organisations, Wilma Assessment assesses the competences, motivation and operative patterns of key persons, against the targets of the business and the role of the position in question in reaching them.
In personal assessments, we utilise internationally established and recognised test methods, in addition to interviews and reference discussions.
Our assessment reports are explicit, and besides the suggestions for selections, the emphasis is on the means to best support the future success of the person.
Wilma Business Coach
Wilma Business Coach as a part of a recruitment project, secures the success of the key person in his or her position. Especially a new recruit brings along new skills, insight and approaches. It may be necessary to ensure that all this is smoothly merged in the existing organisation – to solidify the strengths, elude the pitfalls and secure the capacity of change and performance of the receiving organisation in the new situation.
Wilma Business Coach helps talents flourish also without new recruitments. It may happen to all of us that our thinking and doing becomes too much routine. A coaching approach efficiently opens up new paths for the human potential and sets thinking free from beliefs and boundaries.